WEEK OF DECEMBER 14 - 20 In Jesus, the Anointed One, The WORD, is life, and His zoe life is the light of men. His words are life and light (John 6:63; 8:12). He is light, and in Him is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5). When a person believes and receives the truth of God’s WORD, the light contained in those words, brought forth from Light Himself, illuminates the mind of the receiver. The everlasting life and light contained in them instantly changes the inner man of the person who receives them, and his or her spirit is reborn (John 14:23). The zoe, or eternal life of God Himself, contained in His words, brings it to pass. At that moment the link is reconnected between heaven and earth. The life force of Almighty God flows into the person, through the power resident in His words, and fills him or her with God’s own Spirit and life. The person’s spirit is reborn in the image and likeness of God Himself, and he or she becomes a new creature in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17)
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