Get in the G.A.M.E. with
AFY (A Fruitful Yield) - Psalm 107:37 They sow fields and plant vineyards and get a fruitful yield.
FAR (Faithfulness And Righteousness) - Psalm 85:11-13 Faithfulness springs up from the ground, and righteousness looks down from the sky. Yes, the Lord will give what is good, and our land will yield its increase. Righteousness will go before him and make his footsteps a way. TTR (Time To Reap) - Revelation 14:15 And another angel came out of the temple, calling with a loud voice to him who sat on the cloud, “Put in your sickle, and reap, for the hour to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is fully ripe.” DOR (Day Of Rest) - Exodus 34:21 Six days you shall work, but on the seventh day you shall rest. In plowing time and in harvest you shall rest. DGU (Don’t Give Up) - Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. TNC (They Never Cease) - Genesis 8:22 While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease. STL (Seek The Lord) - Hosea 10:12 Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap steadfast love; break up your fallow ground, for it is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and rain righteousness upon you. AC (Abundant Crops) - Proverbs 14:4 Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean, but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox.
LTTL (Lend To The Lord) - Proverbs 19:17 Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed. TS (The Sluggard) - Proverbs 20:4 The sluggard does not plow in the autumn; he will seek at harvest and have nothing. ABE (A Bountiful Eye) - Proverbs 22:9 Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor. AFM (A Faithful Messenger) - Proverbs 25:13 Like the cold of snow in the time of harvest is a faithful messenger to those who send him; he refreshes the soul of his masters. AUF (An Unfit Fool) - Proverbs 26:1 Like snow in summer or rain in harvest, so honor is not fitting for a fool. PAG (Prepare And Gather) - Proverbs 6:8 She prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest. HBF (He Bears Fruit) - Matthew 13:23 As for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it. He indeed bears fruit and yields, in one case a hundredfold, in another sixty, and in another thirty.
GUT (Grow Up Together) - Matthew 13:30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn. SOM (Son Of Man) - Matthew 13:37 He answered, “The one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man.” TDTE (The Devil’s The Enemy) - Matthew 13:39 And the enemy who sowed them is the devil. The harvest is the close of the age, and the reapers are angels. SLTS (Shine Like The Sun) - Matthew 13:43 Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear. SFTK (Seek First The Kingdom) - Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. GIS (Gather In Summer) - Proverbs 10:5 He who gathers in summer is a prudent son, but he who sleeps in harvest is a son who brings shame. STTS (Seed To The Sower) - 2 Corinthians 9:10 He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.
SW (Seven Weeks) - Deuteronomy 16:9 You shall count seven weeks. Begin to count the seven weeks from the time the sickle is first put to the standing grain. LAS (Leave A Sheaf) - Deuteronomy 24:19 When you reap your harvest in your field and forget a sheaf in the field, you shall not go back to get it. It shall be for the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow, that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hands. TSNM (Thief Steal No More) - Ephesians 4:28 Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need. GYF (Give Your Firstborn) - Exodus 22:29 You shall not delay to offer from the fullness of your harvest and from the outflow of your presses. The firstborn of your sons you shall give to me. PFL (Pray For Laborers) - Luke 10:2 And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” TS (The Sickle) - Mark 4:29 But when the grain is ripe, at once he puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come. |
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